ESFA SAP pathways into National Premier League Football

If your child is selected to join an ESFA SAP* squad, then best believe they’ll be in great hands when it comes to their football development and future. Players that have represented ESFA through the years have gone on to play for some big name NPL1 clubs including FNSW Institute*, Sydney FC Academy* among many others.

Every season we are inundated with requests for more information about our players and their intentions for the following season. We also have 6 girls (U12 & U13) and 14 boys (U10, U11, U12) that have been selected to participate in the Sydney FC ATP* and two U13 girls that were selected for FNSW TSP* during the 2020 season.

We firmly believe that talented football players who are selected for ESFA SAP should remain with our program for the course of their SAP career, unless otherwise scouted for the FNSWI or Sydney FC Academy. We are very proud of our coaching team and the SAP/GSAP Technical Directors over the years who are constantly implementing high standards of coaching and genuine care towards every player’s football future. Remaining within one program means that the coaching team will fully understand the players needs and therefore can better produce development plans for each individual.

With a proven track record of players moving onto NPL1 clubs (that have their own SAP programs), we are confident that we offer the best program in the east, with players having just as much chance of securing an excellent club post-SAP as those clubs with their own SAP pathway.

The table below highlights our most recent U13 GSAP cohort and the clubs they were selected for. We are always very proud when players are selected for any NPL1/2 clubs.

AmeliaArgyridesSydney UniNPL 1
EllieReidSydney OlympicNPL 1
EvaDrivasSydney OlympicNPL 1
GabriellaRaeAPIA LeichhardtNPL 1
AvaAguilarUNSWNPL 2
VictoriaDi BlasioSydney UniNPL 1
GemmaOdesFNSW InstituteNPL 1
HayleyHuiUNSWNPL 2
MillieMontanariSydney OlympicNPL 1
CarmenWeil RuggeriUNSWNPL 2
EricaCiapparaSydney UniNPL 1
YveMitchellSydney OlympicNPL 1

*SAP Explained
The Skill Acquisition Program provides a clear, professionally delivered development opportunity for young footballers in NSW which underpins the National Premier Leagues NSW Men’s and Women’s competitions. Children may trial/be scouted for SAP clubs from U9-U12 for boys (mixed) and U10-U13 for girls.

*NPL Explained
The National Premier Leagues (NPL) is the national second tier competition in Australia which underpins the A-League and Westfield W-League.

NPL aims to produce talent which progresses to national pathway programs and the Y-League, A-League, Westfield W-League and Football Australia National Teams.

The NPL represents an important step in the realisation of Football Australia’s strategic vision to make Australia a world class football nation and to better connect elite player development and the wider football community.

FNSW Institute Explained*
The Football NSW Institute (FNSWI) delivers best practice development opportunities for the State’s most talented players.

2013 was the inaugural year for the FNSWI. The Institute unified the previous Skilleroos, New South Wales Institute of Sport and Skill Acquisition Programs for boys and girls into a clearly defined structure, aligned to the Football Federation Australia Integrated Talented Player Pathway. Since 2016 the FNSWI has focused on the talented player pathway for girls.

*Sydney FC Academy Explained
Sydney FC has a vision with which it intends to create Australia’s number one junior football academy. Developed by Sydney FC Board Member Han Berger and Technical Director – Youth, Kelly Cross the vision is designed to ensure academy players are given the best environment in which to achieve their goals.

“I am very excited by the challenge of producing the next generation of Sydney FC players,” Cross said.

“Sydney FC will lead the way in providing talented young players with an elite pathway to aspire to become professional footballers, and hopefully future Socceroos.”

*Sydney FC ATP Explained
Sydney FC has been running an Academy Training Program for four years and is one of the best scouting and training mechanisms the club employs to select future Academy squads from U13.

The 2021/22 program is open to talented 10, 11, 12 year old boys, and 12, 13, 14 year old girls who are currently part of SAP, GSAP or Development squads at their local association or NPL club.

*FNSW TSP Explained
Football NSW overall aim is to provide our most talented young players (boys & girls) a best practice and high performance training and playing environment that will hopefully see them progress through to the A-League, W-League and ultimately any of the various National Teams.

With thanks to our partners